In a world tossed about by the prevailing wind of the moment, young adults are influenced by popular culture to create their own personal truth rather than rely on God’s truth found in His Word. Amid the turmoil experienced during their lifetime, Generation Z teenagers are among the most anxious in our nation’s history. They are seeking significance and acceptance.
A desire to meet these needs led to the opening of Calvary Lutheran High School in 2005. Through a faith-based high school experience at Calvary, students and their families are assured of the unshakable, firm foundation of Jesus Christ. Through the generosity of its supporters, Calvary has provided youth the opportunity to see a world created by God, broken by sin and redeemed through the blood of His Son.
Calvary offers a grace-centered environment where young people are affirmed in their identity as Christ-followers and accepted unconditionally. Students at Calvary have numerous opportunities to discover, explore and nurture their God-given gifts.
Gifts from generous, faithful supporters have made Calvary’s ministry flourish over the years. What began as a classroom of nine students has become a comprehensive faith-based high school experience for 100+ students. Graduates are living out their callings as God’s people in a wide range of occupations, including medicine, the military, technical trades and full-time ministry – all thanks to you.

How your gifts have made a difference to Calvary students
“At Calvary, I’ve grown into a more confident, genuine, Christ-following girl”
“Calvary was the first time I felt valued as a child of God from people other than my family“
“I never knew what a friend was before I came to Calvary“
“My faith has been strengthened tremendously since I have been at Calvary“

Calvary Lutheran High School
2525 Route B
Jefferson City, MO 65101